This article from Icelandic seafood trade magazin Ægir from 1972 tells the story of the foundation of Sölustofnun Lagmetis (The government sales office for canned and preserved products).
Sölustofnun Lagmetis was founded the 2nd of August 1972 by the Icelandic State and Icelandic canning factories. 18 of 24 registered canning factories, with a combined 98% of the export volume took part in the organisation. The idea behind the organisation was to strengthen the industry by providing international marketing, market research, increase access to raw materials, provide packaging materials and aid technological development etc. And not the least to nengotiate with eastern European import agencies who were all government controlled at the time.
Dr. Örn Erlendsson who had previously been hired by the Ministry of Industry to prepare the foundation was appointed general manager.
The main products at the time were canned herring, canned capelin, lumpfish caviar and canned cod liver.