Partnership with LVF
Triton partners with seafood processor LVF
All timeline stories.
Triton partners with seafood processor LVF
Triton starts export of Lumpfish frozen whole round to China. Triton promotes law changing project which requires all Lumpfish to be landed and processed rather than discarded at sea after taking the roe. All lumpfish that is caught in Iceland today is exported.
Triton becomes a partner in Jón Þorsteinsson – cod liver canning factory in Akranes. Rolf Arnarson becomes CEO. Later the name is changed to Akraborg. Triton thus becomes along with Bornholms of Denmark sole sales agents for the factory.
Triton begins to sell rawmaterial from Barentssea to Icelandic processors. Icelandic vessels start sailing to the “Loophole” in the Barentsea for fishing.
Dr. Erlendsson is instrumental in the founding of Jón Þorsteinsson, canning factory in Akranes and oversees the factory’s sales to begin with. ( Link to the document, see page 30-31)
Triton books a contract from a Hamburg based company for sales of canned shrimps. The contract with value of 6 mio. German-Marks was until then the biggest single contract for preserved food in Icelandic history.
Triton co-founds canning factory “Lagmetisiðjan Garði” to produce canned shrimps.