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Increasing data suggesting that Vitamin D deficiancy makes people more vulnerable to get sick from Covid19
There is increasing scientific data supporting the benefits of adequate Vitamin D consumption to increase health and help fight Covid19 illness according to a new

Industry optimistic about coming capelin season
Proposed initial catching quota has been set at 400.000 MT

Turbulent lumpfish season 2020
The lumpfish season 2020 endet abruptly after the recommended fishing TAC (Total Allowable Catches) was reached much faster than anticipated and before many of the

Long Seafood tradition
The picture above from the archives of the National Museum of Iceland shows a young Örn Erlendsson – the founder of Triton in Neskaupsstaður working
Capelin season 2020
It seems to be final by now that there will be no capelin season for the second year running in Iceland and all stocks are
The Seafood Expo 2020 in Brussels postponed
The Seafood Expo Global 2020 in Brussels, scheduled for April 21-23, has been postponed due to COVIE-19.

Search for Capelin – 3rd trip over
The 3rd search for capelin is almost finished at the time of this update. Final results will be updated soon. Inofficially the search-vessels were unable
Capelin – spawning stock 6-8 times below needed minimum
A preliminary assessment is now available from measurements of the capelin stock in January. The size of the spawning stock according to these measurements was about