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“Mega“ capelin season off to a slow start
The entire Icelandic pelagic fleet is off the east coast catching the capelin. The fish has been evasive and tricky to catch with daily catches

Huge capelin quota suggested for 2022 season.
The Icelandic Marine Research Institute (Hafro) has suggested a massive capelin quota for the coming 2022 season. The total recommended catch will be 904.200 MT

Expectations of capelin fishing are likely to be met
From the magazine Frjáls Verslun from 1973.
Triton founder Örn Erlendsson – while still with Sölustofnun Lagmetis – beeing interviewed after securing big contract in canned capelin to Japan. In the same
Mackerel search continues
Icelandic vessels continue their search for mackerel southwards where the water is warmer. It looks like the waters around Iceland are still too cold but

Fish Meal
In order to maximise the production from pelagic raw materials it is vital for Triton‘s partner Loðnuvinnslan (LVF) to have its own fish-meal production. The

Icelandic fishermen say fisheries agreement favours Norway. Iceland and Norway have an agreement that gives Icelandic vessels Cod quota in the Barentsea in exchange for Icelandic Capelin. Of the last Capelin
Yesterday Icelandic TV channel N4 aired a special program about our partners Loðnuvinnslan (LVF) in Fáskrúðsfjörður
The program can be seen here: Triton and LVF have been working closely together for several years and in 2019 this successful cooperation culminated in
The capelin season 2021
The capelin season of 2021 is over with approx. 127.000 MT of capelin caught around the country. Most of the catches were used for „whole