Triton Iceland

Capelin – spawning stock 6-8 times below needed minimum

A prelimin­ary assess­ment is now availa­ble from mea­surements of the cap­el­in stock in Janu­ary. The size of the spawn­ing stock accord­ing to these mea­surements was about 64 thousand tons. It is far below the lim­it in the cur­rent catch rule that must be reached so that the MRI can recomm­end fis­hing.  Accord­ing to in­formati­on from the agency, the volume would have to be, roug­hly estima­ted, at le­ast 6-8 times more for the cap­el­in quota to be issu­ed.

The assess­ment is based on mea­surements from three vessels, RS Arni Fri­driks­son, along with the cap­el­in vessels Há­koni EA-148 and Polar Amaroq. Two ot­her fis­hing vessels also jo­ined the proj­ect, as stated in the new­spa­per Morg­un­blaðið today.

Two boats are still continuing the search. Polar Amaroq went along the south coast and is currently searching of the south-east corner of Iceland. The vessel will be joined by another on Tuesday 4th of February.

The MRI vessel Arni Fridrikson is off the west coast searching. It is expected that all 3 vessels will continue the search until mid February.